Product details
GANESH SKY BALLOON Air Dancer 10 FEET Inflatable air dancers, also known as air puppets, sky dancers, or tube men, are tall, animated advertising inflatables often seen at car dealerships, retail stores, and promotional events. They consist of a long, flexible tube made of nylon or polyester material, with a blower attached at the bottom to keep the tube inflated and constantly moving. The inflatable air dancers are typically brightly colored and have a distinctive wavy and dancing motion. They are designed to attract attention and create excitement, making them effective for outdoor advertising and promotions. The continuous movement of the air dancers gives them a dynamic and eye-catching appearance, making them hard to miss. | Blower Not Included. "Keyword" "dancing air balloon man" "air dancer balloon for restaurant" "dancing balloon man rental" "welcome air balloon" "air dancer balloon price in mumbai maharashtra" "welcome air doll" "sky balloon" "ram sky balloon" Inflatable Tube Man, Wacky Waving Arm Flailing Tube Man, Air Puppet, Dancing Balloon Man, Sky Dancer, Fly Guy, Dancing Inflatable, Air Tube Man, Advertising Balloon, Marketing Balloon.Promotional Inflatable Tube Man, Branding Air Puppet, Advertising Sky Dancer, Marketing Wacky Waving Arm Flailing Tube Man, Customized Fly Guy, Branded Dancing Balloon Man, Promotional Air Tube Man, Advertising Balloon, Marketing Inflatable, Personalized Dancing Inflatable. Inflatable air dancers