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Inflatable Air Walking inflatable structures or devices that allow a person to walk or move in an inflatable suit or bubble-like contraption. These are sometimes used for fun or unique performances and can come in different forms. Here are a few examples of what people typically mean by "air walking inflatables": Inflatable Air Shoes or Boots: These are inflatable footwear that you wear, which use air to provide buoyancy or a walking effect, kind of like being in a giant air cushion. Walking in an Inflatable Suit (like a sumo wrestler suit): These costumes are blown up by air and allow the wearer to walk around while appearing larger-than-life, often for humorous or performance purposes. Inflatable Walkable Balloons or Bubble Suits: There are also inflatable bubble suits that allow a person to walk while enclosed in an air-filled sphere or a transparent inflatable. These are sometimes used in extreme sports or just for novelty. Are any of these what you're referring to? Or were you thinking of something specific, like a particular design or use for "air walking inflatables"? 1 Charger 1 Blower Only.